Saturday, December 30, 2006


January 1, 1960

MarcO is taught by his siblings that it's better not to wipe your butt, but to let the poo naturally blend into your underwear, creating a protective coating. He continues this practice to this day.

January 8, 1976

MarcO gets a cb radio. His handle? Drinkz P.

January 10, 2008

MarcO eats the shit of Bea Arthur

January 17, 1991

MarcO proclaims pee-drinking "dead." He renegs the next day.

January 19, 1976

MarcO gets a Pet Rock. He loses a tooth when he assumes it's a pile of poo and trie to bite into it.

January 28, 1995

MarcO attends a Collective Soul concert.


MattySox said...

I also heard that on August 9, 1987, at a pool party he was only invited to because he overheard other people talking about it, that he was the hapless victim of a new pool party game called "Marc O/Douchebag." Surprised you missed that one...

Jere said...

Actually I'm still putting everything together. Lots of "facts" are still pouring in. I definitely remember that fateful day in '87. Thanks!

MattySox said...

I know a guy that went to school with this Marc O. fellow...the pee drinking is just the start of it...